Addenda Degree in Nursing

Additional Information:

Below are the emails of the people who chair the various study plan monitoring committees, in case anyone needs to contact the committee:

  • Monitoring Committee of the Nursing Degree curriculum: Mr. Máximo de la Fuente Ginés: maximo @ uses
  • Monitoring Committee of the degree plan in Physiotherapy: Ms. Esther Medrano Sánchez:
  • Monitoring Commission of the Bachelor's Degree in Podiatry curriculum: Mr. Gabriel Domínguez Maldonado:
  • Academic Commission of the University Master's Degree in New Care Trends in Health Sciences: Dª María Dolores Guerra Martín:

adenda 1570005- Farmacología Clínica.pdf

adenda1570004-Estadística y TIC.pdf


adenda1570008-Género y salud.pdf

adenda1570009-Historia, Teoría y MétodoI.pdf

adenda1570012-Enfermería clínica II.pdf

adenda1570017 Practicum I.pdf

adenda1570018-Soporte vital.pdf

adenda1570019-Terapéutica enfermera, alimentación y cuidados.pdf

adenda1570020-C. críticos y paliativos.pdf

adenda1570021-Enf clínica y problemas bioéticos.pdf

adenda1570022-Enf. Salud mental.pdf

adenda1570027-Practicum III.pdf

adenda1570031-PRACTICUM V.pdf
